The Christian Prayer Band of America

This prayer ministry has over 150 members in various states; they meet daily for prayer via Conference Call as well as on Sundays for worship. The Prayer Band also conducts fasting and praying on Wednesdays and Fridays. Ninety-five percent of the members are women from Liberia residing in the United States.

Leadership of the Christian Prayer Band of America


1. Rev. Dr. Roosevelt Liberty and Esther B. Liberty residing in Liberia, West Africa

2. Esther B. Wheagar


1. Sayeo Zeogar, Senior Pastor

2. Mary Kpah, Associate Pastor

3. Anna Togar, Assistant Pastor

4. Emma Sormadai, Secretary

5. Mammie Dobai, Assistant Secretary

6. Rhoda Karnga-Bestman, Choir Directress

7. Anna Kidkai, Assistant Choir Directress

8. Marley Sundayway, Prayer Warrior

9. Julia Dossen, Assistant Prayer Warrior


1. Bishop Harmon Yalartai, Chairman of the Board

2. Gargar Kar, Assistant Chairman

3. Richard Karblee, Secretary of the Board